General, Storage heating stove
Hardly a day has gone by in recent months without reports of new regulatory measures, directives, ordinances and legislative changes. In the areas of heating and energy in particular, there have been a whole series of changes in recent months, which for many people...
Firewood, General, Storage heating stove
Does heating with wood have a future? Is it still worth installing a storage heating stove? Politics is a fickle thing. Until August 2022, the installation of wood-burning pellet heating systems was subsidized by the state and now there is a debate about whether to...
General, Storage heating stove
No stove heats as efficiently as a storage heating stove, because in a storage stove the entire amount of wood is burned cleanly, the energy is stored and converted into pleasant radiant heat. This creates an allergy-friendly indoor climate and a warmth that is...
General, Heating technology, Storage heating stove
Since the end of 2012, you have been required to provide your chimney sweep with proof of the age of your fireplace, as the aim is to remove old „fine dust spewers“ from the combustion cycle. Section 26 of the First Ordinance on the Implementation of the...
General, Storage heating stove
„What does storage heating stove mean?“A storage heating stove is a stove made of ceramic fireclay bricks. The very high weight of the fireclay brick guarantees an extremely high storage capacity. The wood is burnt on the base of the stove, i.e. on the...