No stove heats as efficiently as a storage heating stove, because in a storage stove the entire amount of wood is burned cleanly, the energy is stored and converted into pleasant radiant heat. This creates an allergy-friendly indoor climate and a warmth that is similar to solar radiation.
In these spring and summer months, now is the perfect time to check and modernize your heating system for the upcoming 2023/24 heating season. Now is the best time to carry out the conversion work so that you can fall back on tried-and-tested basic stove technology in the fall and winter of 2024. Get rid of your old wood-burning stove or open fireplace, which only have a low heat output. Think about whether it is really enough to burn wood just for the comfort of the short fire and heat image of an ordinary wood-burning stove.
One of the smaller advantages of a storage heating stove is that you pile up wood ONCE and then you can sit back and relax. With conventional wood-burning stoves or open fires, you have to add logs at short intervals and when the stove is off, the heat is usually used up quickly. With a storage heating stove, which stores the heat in its firebricks, the heat output lasts for hours.
And ask your district chimney sweep whether your old stove will also comply with the future tightening of the Federal Immission Control Ordinance.
Conventional energy is not getting cheaper, but more expensive and we know that the prices of oil and gas will continue to rise. That’s why it’s all the more important to break out of this upward spiral and switch to renewable wood raw materials.
You can increase your heating autonomy even further by setting up and using the normal storage heating stove as a whole-house heating system.
And this is how the storage stove whole-house heating system works:
The storage stove supplies the main living area directly with pleasant radiant heat. When it burns, plenty of water is brought to temperature, which flows into the buffer tank. If it is fed into the heating network, the storage stove heats the entire house. Depending on the outside temperature, you fire your storage heater once or twice a day to heat your entire house properly and consistently.
And if you combine this with a solar thermal system, you can look forward to the energy price trend in future years with peace of mind. Make yourself independent of the big energy companies and politicians and initiate your own energy revolution.